Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Wind Chill Zero

Drew and Nora were so cute this morning, quietly playing together.

Nora makes truck noises, "Vrooom". Wonder where she picked that up.
Winter has finally reared its ugly, blistery head so we have been house bound. The yoga video is a everyday activity.

Let's hope Drew keeps that posture!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Nora Dances

Nora boogies to anything!

Friday, January 12, 2007

High Water

We came home from Merrillville to a basement full of water. As I looked down into the basement I could see toys floating by. Val's first reaction was to run down all the way into the laundry room to figure out what the buzzing noise was. Yes, that's right, he ran through about five inches of water to stop a buzzing noise. So the first night I was just glad I still has a husband. We were so worn out by Christmas that I didn't even realize the impact until the next day.

What happened was a simple sump pump malfunction. So we were able to fix the stuck arm and the pump did its job clearing the water back out. But we were left with drenched carpet and wet walls. A real homeowner's nightmare.

Val worked like crazy (and put me to work) every day. We rented industrial fans and dehumidifiers (they call em dehums in the flood business) and tried to simply dry it out. This plan was based on some advice from two different flood companies. This advice was not good.
The carpet guy we consulted adviced us to get the carpet out as quickly as possible.
This is when the real fun began. We cut out carpet and Val heaved the soaking pad up the stairs and out the back door with strength I did not know he had. We worked well into the night and I ended up shop-vacing while sitting on a chair half asleep.

The whole clean up process lasted about a week and took place at night after the kids were in bed. Special thanks to Matt Lamkin for coming over and helping Val move the heavy Foos ball table and get the rest of the carpet out. I've moved that table once and will never again.

We now are all dried out and just waiting to get new carpet. All four of us miss the basement so much. It is an important space for all of us. The first night, when I called Mom, she was so sorry and I didn't realize at the time why she felt so bad. But now I do. It's kind of one of those times when you pull together and thank your lucky stars for all the blessings in your life. This was by no means a tragedy, rather a large inconvenience. Still, I understand a little better the real tragedy of a flood. Our losses were few, the mattress that Drew loved to jump on is molding in the garage and a group picture from our wedding that I loved is ruined( anyone have a copy?) oh yeah, and the laundry dryer.

I must say that Val rocked the house (or basement) working so hard to get it dry. He worked hard without any complaints and still had energy left over to get up with Drew in the middle of the night (potty or nightmares). He gets the job done and that is just one of the many reasons I love him so much. Drew had a dream the first night that he sucked up all the water from the mattress with a firetruck hose (what else). Aww poor guy, he really spent hours jumping on that thing, an end of an era...Nora continues to bang on the basement door and can't understand why we have abandoned the playroom.

Shew! What a week after quite a crazy month. So looking forward to a lazy weekend. Go Colts!

We grew attached to these shop vacs

Is it really two am?

The culprit

Mmmm. soggy carpet pad

Christmas time all over again

We spent last weekend up in the region. Val's family celebrates Christmas according to the Orthodox calender so our holiday lasts well into the new year (Happy New Year!). Highlights included a visit to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago and opening more presents!

Val and Baba

Nora feeding her new doll.

Drew checking out the "fish planes" swimming overhead.

Deda and Nora enjoying the dolphin show.

Val with his parents and kids. (The Sears tower and Chicago skyline)
Three generations hand in hand.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Christmas Pictures

New Tent

Val and Generation Four

Norabelle on Christmas Eve

Me, Kathy, Nora and Baby Jackson

Christmas is a Rockin' Time

The best part of Christmas are the visitors that come into town. Ours started with Aunt Emmy flying in from Telluride. She and the kids are tight so it is really fun and a nice break for us (i've taken to calling her Aunt Nanny). We were then lucky enough to have Valenti and George V. visit for an evening. Val had a great time and it was so good to see them. The best part of great friends is that no matter how much time passes, nothing seems to change. Wade stopped by with his new and very sweet wife Joletta, it was great to meet her finally!

We always celebrate Christmas Eve with my mom's side. The family keeps growing so it is a loud, fun party complete with enchiladas (our traditional meal). Christmas morning was not quite what i expected because Drew was so worn out. Nora, however, loved it and has mastered the fine art of tearing into gifts.

My brother Peter and his family, Emily and Toby came to visit too. Drew and Toby are best cousins. They love each other so much and have lots of fun running, screaming and destroying...
look out Grandma.

All in all it was a nice time, but I do want to find a way to come up with a little more meaning and a little less materialism next year. Maybe if I start planning in July...