Here is Pop on a hike, pointing to Pyramid Point, a huge dune that juts out into the water, Emily, Pop and Drew climbed it the day before.
Val and Drew swimming at South Manitou Island. Pop, Emily, Val Drew and I took a boat over to the ghost island for a day.
The middle of the peninsula is filled with rolling hills, farms and winerys. From the top, you can see all the way to the water. This is peaches. She was born on one of these farms.
Nora loved the beach.
Nora on the way home (these pictures are really out of order!) She had a tough time of it with the sleep thing on vacation so this was a much needed crash.
Nora with her favorite person ever, Grandma
This is a shot of a dune south of Leland. Pop convinced us to climb down (bounce would be a better word), and then we ended up walking the beach back to town. I'm glad we did, it was great!
Aunt Emmy playing with the kids, and giving me a break all at the same time:)
We climbed up this light house, very cool.
on the boat
Me and Aunt Emmy (aka Emily)
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