What a crazy week we have ahead of us! On wed, I start my Chemical Magic classes. I am starting up a science outreach business, slowly but surely. I love planning it but finding the time and privacy to do so is tricky. Of course I never feel like doing it at night when the kids are in bed but I really need to learn to take advantage of that time (bye Val, see you in a few years!). So that is Wed. Then thursday morning our friends from the Bay, John, MB and Isadora will be arriving. We only get to see them about once a year (twice this year!) so of course we can't wait. Friday the Beams from Bloomington will be joining us. Although our time will be short, I'm sure we will pack in some good conversation. Then Sat is Drew's Birthday bash! We somehow invited over 30 people and rented a moon bounce. Puckett has been practicing his guitar, Joanne has the cupcakes under control, Grandma and Baba are both bringing food. Hope the weather holds out.
Needless to say, our fourth of July weekend was spent doing chores. But we got so much done with the yard and house and my class that I feel ready for our fun week.
Hmmm...maybe blogging this Monday morning is not the best use of our time. Oh, yeah, I also have to get my gall bladder out. Seriously. Hope it can hold for another week or so!
Pictures are still on delay...