Saturday, February 24, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bicuspids, Incisors and Molars Oh My!

Nora has been teething. Of course, the babies, they are technically always teething. But when I say Nora is cutting some teeth, most parents know exactly what I speak of. It means first and foremost that she is in pain. This leads to sleepless nights, messy diapers, an unhappy baby that needs her mama to carry her ALL day long and a depressed appetite that causes alarming hunger pains. SO life is kind of on hold while those pesky molars and incisors decide to make their grand entrance. Val and I are doing our best to keep things normal but I'm afraid our blog has suffered. I do have some pictures that I intend to post, especially of our newest member of the family, our Honda Oddessy (yes its a mini -van and I am loving it!!!). But for now, I'm loading up on Mothers Milk tea...did I mention the frequent nursing?

And to think, they all fall out....

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Cabin Fever

Nora climbed up and in.

Our little ones continue to grow. Drew says the funniest things all the time. One of my favorites is "I'm boring" (instead of I'm bored). Nora is still using her own baby language but that does not stop her from expressing herself. Right now she is really into dropping things in the toilet and standing on tables. She also love to take thing out and put them back in. After she does this she says "der" for there and is very satisfied. She also likes to run into things and say bump. That one is clear. She already can kick the soccer ball and they both seem to inherited Val's coordination(lucky for them!)